May 05, 2010

Topic Tuesday: Someone Has to Say It

Welcome to another installment of Topic Tuesday! You can go look at Megan's here and Claudia's here. (I will add the links when they're posted.)

I always know people don't say everything they want to, whether it's to me or about something else. How many times have I purposely omitted a thought in my head? The repercussions for anyone, no matter who you are, are endless. What if I offend someone? What if it makes me look stupid? What if I lose a friend over it?

But the truth is, we all need to say it. Wouldn't you rather be told you look bad than go out thinking you looked good because your friends didn't say what they really thought? Wouldn't you rather stand up for yourself and tell people how they make you feel? That you won't take it lying down?

I know I'm being hypocritical here. These words are aimed at me just as much as anybody else.

How many times have you had those words on the tip of your tongue? How many times have you been so close to just saying what you really felt? For all of us wimps out there, there's someone who has found the guts we seem to be missing that allow us to say what we want. And I have no doubt they are happier people. They harbor no secrets and let everything out in the open. They can be themselves. How I wish I was like that. Maybe as I get older . . . wishful thinking.

Then there's always the age-old question: what if you don't say it and something happens? What if you never get to say it? What if some amazing chance passes you up?

Ever since we decided on this topic, this line from Grey's Anatomy has been stuck in my head on repeat:

"Did you say it? 'I love you. I don't ever want to live without you. You changed my life.' Did you say it? Make a plan. Set a goal. Work toward it. But every now and then, look around. Drink it in. 'Cause this is it. It might all be gone tomorrow."

I want to be an honest person. I want to tell people how I feel about them. I want my loved ones to know exactly what they mean to me. I want the world to know that I don't intend to be sucked in by its ideals. I want people to know, without a doubt, what I stand for.

I have things left to say. I have thoughts I want to share. I have confessions I want to scream to the world. I have secrets I want to let go of. Someone has to say it. "I love you." "Yes, you look fat." "Thank you for everything you do." "I don't agree." "I want you in my life." "That color doesn't work for you." "I can't bear the thought of losing you." "That's a stupid idea." "I don't want to live my life without you."

Someone has to say it.

I hope I can be that someone.  :)


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