September 04, 2010

Day 3: My Parents

This one is simple: My parents are freaking awesome.

Sure, I have my moments when I'm not too thrilled with them or I think I know better. Quite frankly, I'd be worried if I didn't. But in the end, they're the best parents. And I'm not exaggerating.

My mom is one of the best friends I've ever had. I've confided in her and told her all my secrets. And she's one of the best shoppers ever. Our mommy/daughter dates are awesome. If you want to know how cool she is, you could ask any of the CV music students. They all want her as their chaperon and know she bakes awesome treats. I spent all of my high school years in that program being known as "Annie's Daughter." She's fun and bubbly and draws people to her. Other than that, she is one of the most giving people I know. She dedicates her time to help almost everyone who asks. She's always listened to me and been the best example. She laid down the rules and expectations and expected me to follow them. When I thought I was too good for the rules and disobeyed them, she pulled me back in. She encourages me and pushes me, even when I want to give up. As I get older, she's started letting me make my own mistakes and learn to stand on my own two feet. And all the while, she stays this amazing example and guides me on my way.

My dad is one of my most favorite people. He's quiet and calm. One of those people who, when he opens his mouth, you know it's to say something important. I always wonder if he realizes how much I appreciate that. Even though he doesn't say much, I always know I can go to him. I can ask him for help with school work or about church, or just for his opinion. We can spend time just reading together or watching something or listening to music. And I love that he takes an interest in the stuff I like, even if he thinks it's ridiculous. The fact that he's quiet also makes those moments when he bursts out in random dancing or decides to be a complete goof all the more funny. I can't even count all the fond memories I have of him doing stuff like that. Or the movies and songs he's made fun of that always make me think of him because of that. He's steadfast and unwavering and I can always count on him.

I don't think words could describe everything they mean to me. Ever.

I can say that one of the things I love the most about them is that I know they are in love. I see it in the little looks they exchange or the way they reach across a small space to hold hands. Or in the way my dad still opens the door for my mom and treats her like a lady. The way they always want to go out together and spend time together. How they always want to help each other. It's truly a beautiful thing.

Like I said: My parents are freaking awesome!!


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