If you think I'm stupid or want to make fun of me for ranting about a TV show, go ahead. I'm still gonna rant.
Now, it's no secret that I am a big fan of 'Glee.' Wait, let me rephrase that. I was a big fan of the first season. The second season has been harder to love. It's had it's moments. But last night's episode . . . let's just say I wanted to do this to several people:
So, thoughts. They're all over the place so just bear with me.
I kind of wanted to make Emma shut up in the beginning. For one, she hasn't been around much and when she is, she makes Will's life rough. He should've just ignored her.
Also, I can't stand Santana. At all. I hate/do not like her. Never have, never will. Nothing they do on the show will change that. Her blabbing about sleeping with Finn was kind of the final nail in the coffin.
As for Kurt, I'll just get it all out here. I really liked him in the first season. I still do, sort of. But I'm over the "Poor woe is me" storyline. He's effectively running away from his problems. Yes, Karofsky's actions were beyond bullying, but he should just tell everyone he was kissed and that was the reason for the death threat. And, it was
I love Artie and Brittany together. They're so cute!
Puck is one of the greatest characters. He is the epitome of scared little boy trying to act tough. And he has the best lines.
Mr. Schuester is bugging. I get that his life isn't great right now, but he needs to take a chill pill. Plus, he's always telling Rachel to be a team player, but he never tells the others to knock it off when they're all horrid to her. Honestly. Rachel is always there for the others. She's been the most loyal, the most supportive in times of need. She's just abrasive and you know what? That's just who she is. She takes everyone else's criticism of her and still stands by them. Yet they all just attack her and are mean to her. Grrr.
Sectionals: the "Hipsters" were kind of creepy. Glad that was short. The Warblers had a great song choice and Blaine's got quite the dreamy voice, but couldn't they have worn something other than their uniforms?
Quinn and Sam will never be Rachel and Finn. Nice try with "Time of My Life," but no. No way. I just don't feel that chemistry with them. And Quinn . . . I'll just keep that to myself.
I loved Brittany and Mike featured as dancers. They're really quite talented.
Oh, and how can a school that has budget problems afford seven Betsey Johnson dresses at $400 a pop? Just a thought.
I thoroughly approve of the Rachel/Kurt friendship. They work really well together. Those were some of the best scenes of the entire night. I hope that continues on.
Emma getting married to Carl? Wow. Didn't see that coming. I thought she was going to say she slept with him. But married?! I adore you, John Stamos, but you've got to go. It crushed Schue and Emma totally still has feelings for him. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
I think this episode made me hate Finn, which is quite a feat. Seriously.
The thing that bothered me most was Rachel's situation. Everyone acted like she had no right to be upset about Finn and Santana sleeping together. She totally did. To those who argue, "But they weren't together when it happened!" Guess what? He still lied about it! Yes, they both lied, but she came clean and he should have at the same time. Plus, everyone else knew about it except for her! And Finn keeps admitting he thinks Santana is "hot." That would make me upset. If he had just admitted it, the whole situation would be much less of a mess. Lying and hiding it make it a thousand times worse. Plus, it was with a girl he continually admits is good-looking. Fail, Finn. Fail.
Here's the other thing: she forgave him in the end and they were on their way to working through it. Yes, it was wrong of her to make out with Puck. Very wrong. BUT she admitted to it up front and was honest with Finn. He should have offered her the same courtesy and tried to deal and work through it with her.
"You said you'd never break up with me!"
I was screaming that with Rachel. Finn was really the only one she had. And he just abandoned her. And went off to be all buddy buddy with Puck and Santana in the last number. I chucked my blanket at the TV. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Oh, and Mr. Creator of Glee Ryan Murphy, I read several interviews in which you said Finn and Rachel were going to be together for the whole season. This is not together. You better hope I don't find you. We will have words.
This whole season, I've been toeing the line of giving up on the show, which makes me sad. This episode may have pushed me further toward one side. I hope they can find their old mojo. Really, Glee, what are you doing??