January 14, 2011

Day Ten

I don't have much tonight. At this point, I'm fed up and tired. I've been doing Italian homework all day.


I've just now finished and I'm about ready to tear all my hair out.

Non mi piace!

Outside the horrid homework cloud, today was back and forth. Condoleeza Rice came and spoke in a forum. She gave an amazing speech. I wish I was awake enough to share it.

Perhaps tomorrow.

There were a few tears and one breakdown where I was seconds away from calling my mom and saying I was done. I was sitting alone in my room and I had to focus on my music until I calmed down.

I obviously got through it.

I think at this point, I'm not making much sense. So I'm simply going to wish you all a buona notte and hopefully give you something a little more coherent tomorrow.


1 comment:

Danger in Deutschland said...

Learning a language is hard... especially when you've spent 8 months in a foreign country and then the little girl you watch has a friend that laughs at you every time you say a sentence in German... its ok... i just laughed when she tripped and fell on the floor... SUCKA!