May 19, 2010

Book Review: The Awakening

Another book down! This is going to be a good reading summer. Yay!

I've neglected this poor book. I waited for it to come out in paperback and then put it aside so I could read Burned. I started reading it again last night and stayed up until 3:00 AM to finish it. (For those wondering, yes, this happens frequently.) It was worth the lost sleep.

The first book in this series, The Summoning, was interesting. It's about a group of teens in a special house that all have strange powers. For example, Chloe, the narrator, is a necromancer. All the teenagers are learning to use/control their powers. This was the basis of the first book: finding out what was going on and so on and so forth. I don't want to get too into it in case anyone decides to read them.

This book was better than the first, I thought. Chloe and Derek's friendship grew more, which I loved. (I'm secretly rooting for Derek and Chloe but I don't know how plausible that is . . .) Also, a great thing about these books is how vivid the scenes are. They aren't described detail by detail, but the way they're told makes you see everything. I really appreciate that in a book. Chloe grew more, learning to stand up for herself and making tough decisions. And more secrets were solved, thank goodness.

These books are kind of mystery-ish, so I don't want to give too much away. There's no vampires so it's okay to read them. I promise. They're definitely a good read if you like the supernatural and mysteries.

Happy reading!


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