December 02, 2010

Glee: Special Education

NOTE: SPOILERS AHEAD! If you haven't watched the newest episode and don't want it to be spoiled, do not keep reading. Okay? Okay.

If you think I'm stupid or want to make fun of me for ranting about a TV show, go ahead. I'm still gonna rant.

Now, it's no secret that I am a big fan of 'Glee.' Wait, let me rephrase that. I was a big fan of the first season. The second season has been harder to love. It's had it's moments. But last night's episode . . . let's just say I wanted to do this to several people:

So, thoughts. They're all over the place so just bear with me.

I kind of wanted to make Emma shut up in the beginning. For one, she hasn't been around much and when she is, she makes Will's life rough. He should've just ignored her.

Also, I can't stand Santana. At all. I hate/do not like her. Never have, never will. Nothing they do on the show will change that. Her blabbing about sleeping with Finn was kind of the final nail in the coffin.

As for Kurt, I'll just get it all out here. I really liked him in the first season. I still do, sort of. But I'm over the "Poor woe is me" storyline. He's effectively running away from his problems. Yes, Karofsky's actions were beyond bullying, but he should just tell everyone he was kissed and that was the reason for the death threat. And, it was kind of really selfish for him to just accept his parents' saved HONEYMOON money to go to another school. Where, may I point out, he is not very happy. They don't appreciate his individuality and seem like they expect everyone to fit one mold. Not gonna lie, I loved seeing what crazy outfit he would wear next. The uniform is so blah. As for Blaine . . . he was a totally different character from the one we've gotten to know amongst all the Dalton Academy boys. It's like he's repressing himself. I'd love to see Kurt teach him to just, cliche-ly, be himself.

I love Artie and Brittany together. They're so cute!

Puck is one of the greatest characters. He is the epitome of scared little boy trying to act tough. And he has the best lines.

Mr. Schuester is bugging. I get that his life isn't great right now, but he needs to take a chill pill. Plus, he's always telling Rachel to be a team player, but he never tells the others to knock it off when they're all horrid to her. Honestly. Rachel is always there for the others. She's been the most loyal, the most supportive in times of need. She's just abrasive and you know what? That's just who she is. She takes everyone else's criticism of her and still stands by them. Yet they all just attack her and are mean to her. Grrr.

Sectionals: the "Hipsters" were kind of creepy. Glad that was short. The Warblers had a great song choice and Blaine's got quite the dreamy voice, but couldn't they have worn something other than their uniforms?

Quinn and Sam will never be Rachel and Finn. Nice try with "Time of My Life," but no. No way. I just don't feel that chemistry with them. And Quinn . . . I'll just keep that to myself.

I loved Brittany and Mike featured as dancers. They're really quite talented.

Oh, and how can a school that has budget problems afford seven Betsey Johnson dresses at $400 a pop? Just a thought.

I thoroughly approve of the Rachel/Kurt friendship. They work really well together. Those were some of the best scenes of the entire night. I hope that continues on.

Emma getting married to Carl? Wow. Didn't see that coming. I thought she was going to say she slept with him. But married?! I adore you, John Stamos, but you've got to go. It crushed Schue and Emma totally still has feelings for him. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

I think this episode made me hate Finn, which is quite a feat. Seriously.

The thing that bothered me most was Rachel's situation. Everyone acted like she had no right to be upset about Finn and Santana sleeping together. She totally did. To those who argue, "But they weren't together when it happened!" Guess what? He still lied about it! Yes, they both lied, but she came clean and he should have at the same time. Plus, everyone else knew about it except for her! And Finn keeps admitting he thinks Santana is "hot." That would make me upset. If he had just admitted it, the whole situation would be much less of a mess. Lying and hiding it make it a thousand times worse. Plus, it was with a girl he continually admits is good-looking. Fail, Finn. Fail.

Here's the other thing: she forgave him in the end and they were on their way to working through it. Yes, it was wrong of her to make out with Puck. Very wrong. BUT she admitted to it up front and was honest with Finn. He should have offered her the same courtesy and tried to deal and work through it with her.

"You said you'd never break up with me!"

I was screaming that with Rachel. Finn was really the only one she had. And he just abandoned her. And went off to be all buddy buddy with Puck and Santana in the last number. I chucked my blanket at the TV. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Oh, and Mr. Creator of Glee Ryan Murphy, I read several interviews in which you said Finn and Rachel were going to be together for the whole season. This is not together. You better hope I don't find you. We will have words.

This whole season, I've been toeing the line of giving up on the show, which makes me sad. This episode may have pushed me further toward one side. I hope they can find their old mojo. Really, Glee, what are you doing??

November 24, 2010


I'm going to be honest here: this is pretty much a rant. A much needed one at that.

Dear authors, you do not blindside your readers at the end of the novel. Ever.

If you are going to end the book in a less than favorable way, (and yes, I do actually like those endings) then you need to somehow warn the reader that it's coming.

Here's what you do not do: you do not answer every question, give a perfect solution to everything, package it all in a very happily-ever-after gift bow, and then TAKE IT ALL AWAY ON THE LAST PAGE!! The last page which is really only two paragraphs!

And there is no sequel.

Trust me, I checked.

Moral of the story? Do not promise sunshine and confetti and happy endings and then yank it out from under the poor, unsuspecting reader that used to be in love with the story. Because then your book is in danger of being ripped apart. Or thrown in the fish bowl.

The end.

November 12, 2010

Moving On

A week ago today, some things kind of fell apart for me. I'm not going to lie, it hurt like you would not believe. The biggest one was a friendship I cared a lot about, but one that constantly confused me. I was never 100% sure where I stood with this person, but I loved them so I just dealt with it. Needless to say, some things happened and no matter how hard we tried, it just couldn't be repaired. It was extremely sad for me to watch it happen.

All I can say is that I gave it my all.

I think, in the end, that is my biggest comfort. I fought for understanding and was the best friend I could be, at least in my eyes. But this post isn't about the heartache and pain.

I've done enough moping about it.

I think this post is just for me to brag. So, really, you don't have to read it, but I'm a bit proud of myself and had to let it out. I woke up this morning just resolved to go on. To still hold on to that love I have for a lost friend, but to not let it stop me from going on with my own life. I feel like saying this makes me sound careless and rude, but that's really not the way it feels. It feels like I've learned to deal with stuff, to take it as a learning experience.

To grow.

Right now, I'm taking joy in the small things: my dog cuddled up beside me, a good book (which is truthfully infuriating me at the moment, so it had to be set aside), some catchy songs that I had a private dance party to, chocolate, the fact that I get to spend time with someone who has become quite dear to my heart tomorrow. And I can hope that maybe one day the friendship will be repaired.

But most of all, I hope that I can hold on to this feeling.

'Cause quite frankly, it's awesome.

I think I'll dance some more.

November 09, 2010

Day 02 - Where You'd Like to Be in 10 Years

Where do I want to be in ten years?

I don't even know where I want to be tomorrow!!

Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but you get what I mean.

Ten years seems like such a long time. And with the way my life has been throwing curve balls at me lately, I'm hesitant to say, "I want this." Then I know it would be different in a week.

I have a vague idea: working in a publishing house, maybe a husband and a family? Things could change. But I definitely hope I'm done with school (If I'm still in school in ten years, you all better beat the crap out of me). I hope I'll have gotten to go to Italy, and that I'll be writing something to eventually be published. I hope I will have grown up more. I hope I am more sure of myself. And that I am living my life to the fullest.

I hope I take advantage of all the things these next ten years will bring.

Because after that, I'll be thirty.

Excuse me, I have to go have a mini heart attack now.

November 08, 2010

Day 01 - Your Current Relationship, If Single Discuss How Single Life Is

Another challenge?

Yep. I'm trying another one. Truthfully, this one sparked my interest much more than the other. I'll still try to complete the last one, but this one is entertaining me more at the moment.

So . . .


There is something I will never understand about being single. I love being on my own and being able to hang out with tons of different people. A date here or there.

But at heart, I am the biggest hopeless romantic that ever walked the planet.

What does that mean? It means that when I see a happy couple walking down the street, cuddling together, doing happy couple things, it makes me stop and think, "Wouldn't that be nice?" Then I'm back to daydreaming and writing love stories and reading every book I can get my hands on.

So I guess my single life is being caught between loving the independence and wishing for my own love story. Go figure. Trust me, I spend a lot of time laughing at myself.

Single. Right now, it's awesome.

October 25, 2010


I always seem to come in second.

I feel like one of the phrases I hear directed at me most is, "It's like you only exist when they need something."

I hate that phrase. I hate that people see me that way. And every time I try to point it out or make a stink about it, I find myself in a worse situation. I get caught between a rock and a hard place. Do I keep being the convenience friend or do I make myself a thorn in someone's side?

No matter what, I will always come in second. Or third. Or fourth. And so on.

Is it so wrong to want to be someone's first? To want someone to care about me before everyone else? Because that's what I find myself wishing for. I want someone to call my own, someone who will let me put them first and who will put me first in return. Someone who wants to jump to my defense or be protective and possessive of me because they love me. It seems like a selfish desire and so I feel bad wanting it. But still . . .

I want to be first to someone.

October 21, 2010

We Now Return You to Your Regularly Scheduled Blogging

Hey everybody! So sorry for the radio silence from the blog. For some reason, Blogger decided to hate me and lock me out.

Cue the confusion and frustration.

I could get in to my account and title a post, but then it wouldn't let me type up the body. And no matter what I did - log out, log back in, restart my computer, restart the internet, etc. - I couldn't get it to work. But now, it's decided to like me again. Hopefully it will be a lasting relationship.

So, I will be back. I'm planning on resuming the 30 Day Challenge, but I can't guarantee it will update every day.

I will leave you with the fact that I'm so happy and excited to have my blog back. I may or may not be hugging my computer right now. Until the next post!

~ Sydney

September 04, 2010

Day 3: My Parents

This one is simple: My parents are freaking awesome.

Sure, I have my moments when I'm not too thrilled with them or I think I know better. Quite frankly, I'd be worried if I didn't. But in the end, they're the best parents. And I'm not exaggerating.

My mom is one of the best friends I've ever had. I've confided in her and told her all my secrets. And she's one of the best shoppers ever. Our mommy/daughter dates are awesome. If you want to know how cool she is, you could ask any of the CV music students. They all want her as their chaperon and know she bakes awesome treats. I spent all of my high school years in that program being known as "Annie's Daughter." She's fun and bubbly and draws people to her. Other than that, she is one of the most giving people I know. She dedicates her time to help almost everyone who asks. She's always listened to me and been the best example. She laid down the rules and expectations and expected me to follow them. When I thought I was too good for the rules and disobeyed them, she pulled me back in. She encourages me and pushes me, even when I want to give up. As I get older, she's started letting me make my own mistakes and learn to stand on my own two feet. And all the while, she stays this amazing example and guides me on my way.

My dad is one of my most favorite people. He's quiet and calm. One of those people who, when he opens his mouth, you know it's to say something important. I always wonder if he realizes how much I appreciate that. Even though he doesn't say much, I always know I can go to him. I can ask him for help with school work or about church, or just for his opinion. We can spend time just reading together or watching something or listening to music. And I love that he takes an interest in the stuff I like, even if he thinks it's ridiculous. The fact that he's quiet also makes those moments when he bursts out in random dancing or decides to be a complete goof all the more funny. I can't even count all the fond memories I have of him doing stuff like that. Or the movies and songs he's made fun of that always make me think of him because of that. He's steadfast and unwavering and I can always count on him.

I don't think words could describe everything they mean to me. Ever.

I can say that one of the things I love the most about them is that I know they are in love. I see it in the little looks they exchange or the way they reach across a small space to hold hands. Or in the way my dad still opens the door for my mom and treats her like a lady. The way they always want to go out together and spend time together. How they always want to help each other. It's truly a beautiful thing.

Like I said: My parents are freaking awesome!!


September 03, 2010

Day 2: My Crush

Okay, let's be honest here:

I do not have a real life crush.

Actually . . . I have two.

There is the lovely Mr. Monteith.

A leather jacket is always good.
Again with the leather! *swoon*

And, of course, the gorgeous Mr. Pattinson.

Oh hai there!
This picture makes me smile.  Too cute!
Wet Rob is hot for some reason.  Getting distracted here . . .

Whoa, where was I?


Yeah, yeah, they're not real crushes. I know.

I've had several crushes growing up. It's only natural, right? Some have worked themselves out, some have passed me by. Some make me look back and go, What the heck were you thinking?! I'm sure I could sit here and reminisce and tell you all these funny stories about previous flames, but I'm all about living for the now. Trying to move forward and all that guidance counselor crap. At least for the time being.

So who's my crush right now?  I'll tell you who.

Yep, you caught me. Books. Books are the source of my many crushes right now. How is this possible you say? Well, let me explain. Or at least try to without making myself look completely pathetic.

I don't really have my sights set on dating right now. Honestly, I'm more concerned about surviving school and figuring out what I'm going to do with the rest of my life. At this point in time, I feel like if it happens, it happens. But I'm not going to go seek it out. Especially not around GCC.

That doesn't mean I've put my hopeless romantic nature aside. No, that part of me is alive and kicking. It doesn't look like it's going away anytime soon. To keep it satisfied, I read. And I read some more. Then I read a little more. Then I make a trip to the bookstore. And then I read again.

It's a perfect cycle.

The only problem is that I seem to find myself falling in love with many of the characters.

Let me get one thing straight: I KNOW they are fictional and don't exist. Just because I spend the majority of my time reading doesn't mean I've lost touch with reality.

Moving on . . .

I find myself drawn to certain characters in books. Sometimes it's a main character. Other times it's a minor, almost background character. It simply depends on the type of character. Sometimes I catch myself wishing a character were real so I could talk to them, hang out with them, and do whatever. I wish for their happiness, cheer for them through the story, and even cry for them when they are struggling. If there are sequels, I eagerly await for the time when I can enter their world again.

You know the saying, "Boys are better in books?"

In my limited experience, I find this to be true.

So bring on the fictional crushes!


September 02, 2010

Day 1: My Best Friend(s)

I obviously couldn't stay awake long enough last night, so you're getting two posts today if you're reading/following this challenge.

Let's start off with a difficult one. I'll be the first to admit that I don't let a lot of people in. See it as a fault or a quirk or whatever you like, but it's just who I am. Doesn't mean I'm unfriendly or anything. (At least I don't think I am . . . but maybe I'm wrong.) But when I do let people in, I really let them in. So picking my one best friend is pretty much impossible. I've got a bunch of people in my head, but I can't pick and I need to move on to the next paragraph.


I guess we'll call this an ode to my best friends.

I've been blessed with some amazing people to stand by my side. You know who you are. I can't even begin to say how much that friendship has blessed my life. I'm a better person for knowing you and being able to call you my friends.

This is starting to sound cliche and sappy, but I'm telling the truth. Those people I call my best friends have stuck by me, even when I tried to shut them out. They waited patiently for me to let them in and are still by my side. That means more to me than almost anything else. That they fought to get in and haven't wavered in their loyalty is the mark of best friend material to me.

I couldn't be more blessed. I have the greatest best friends on the planet.


30 Day Challenge

Okay, I admit I stole this idea from Katie. The whole idea seemed so fun and it'll keep me updating the blog. So, Megan and I are embarking on this together to take up all 30 days of September. I'll post the first day shortly after this (if I can stay awake long enough) and then one post for each day based on the list we're all going from. Be sure to keep checking back! Who knows what will come of this!

Much love!

August 05, 2010


I've embarked on quite an endeavor recently:

I'm finally going to eat right.

I've got a great coach, bought all the right types of food and snacks . . . but good grief if it isn't ridiculously hard.

I can't tell you how much I miss certain foods. And how much it drives me crazy that people around me just eat them without a care. I know not everyone eats the same way, but it just tests your willpower that much more.

So, to get it off my chest and to just torture myself more, I decided to make a list of the foods I miss. Both ones I knew I would when I started and ones I'm realizing I miss now that I can't have them.

- Chicken strips/nuggets/fingers: Big duh there. I can literally smell them whenever I get hungry. I just want some so bad!

- Cookies: I really want some cookies. Snickerdoodles. M&M cookies. Homemade oreos.

- Ice Cream: I want real ice cream. Especially after tasting a new flavor at Baskin Robins that was divine. Of course I would have it right before I decide to cut it out of my life.

- Snack foods: Popcorn. Pretzels. Tortilla chips and salsa or guacamole or queso. The list goes on and on.

- French fries: Yes. Please.

- Cheeseburgers: Turkey burgers are good for you, but they just don't taste the same.

- Chocolate: Need I say more?

I know there's tons more I could list, but now I'm getting crazy munchie.

Portion control, you say? Unfortunately, I know myself. I'm not good at portion control. So until I learn some, it's goodbye to all that good stuff.

Also, just because this made me laugh, I'm including it. It's how I feel every time I look in the fridge.

I'm gonna go eat my sugar free jell-o now . . .

July 29, 2010

Brick Wall

It's a scene we all know too well. The hero is going, going, running for all they're worth, certain life is good and things only get better and . . . WHAM!! Head first into a brick wall. Get up, get up, they're saying to themself. Sometimes it takes longer and sometimes they bounce right back up. They stare at the wall, looking for a way around or over and eventually, whether it's an obvious maneuver or one that takes a bit of thought, they make it to the other side and start running again.

I'm staring at that brick wall. I thought I had a glimpse of the other side. I thought I had found my way past it. . . .But there's no way over it. I've looked and looked and come to the realization that I'm stuck. I can't go around and I can't climb over. There are no loose bricks to tear at. I can't move forward. I'm being forced to stay right where I am, no matter how desperately I to get to the other side. This time, there's a key I need to be given to get through. It's out of my hands. I've given my all, spent time researching and deciding, and all I've got to show for it is a broken heart and crushed hopes.

Now I'm at my rope's end. I've cried and screamed and told that wall that it's not playing fair. I've insulted it and plead with it. It just stands there, immovable, denying me. In a matter of seconds, intense emotions have run through me. First: horrified, then upset, then furious, and now I'm just devastated. Everything's out of my hands.

I've got nothing but the imprints of bricks on my face to show for my trouble.

June 22, 2010

New Thing

Hi all! I know I've kind of been neglecting my blog lately, but I'm working on it. I'll be posting more in the future and I have quite a few book reviews to do. I'm not abandoning you!

This post is to introduce you to something different, however.

I've joined the Photo Prompt Writing Challenge team as a Tuesday writer. What does that mean? Well, I'll tell you. Each of us writers sends in two pictures we find/like once a week. All these pictures then go into a drawing that we also pull from. Once each of us has our pictures, we have to come up with a little short story (also known as a Oneshot) using one or both pictures we drew randomly. Once the story is written, it's posted on the blog. As a Tuesday writer, my story will go up on Tuesday each week. It can be either original fiction or Twilight fanfiction. (Meaning it's a story using the Twilight characters, whether they're vampires or not. Google it if you're confused.)

So head on over there and check it out. There are some really great authors that contribute. My first story goes up next week. I'm excited and nervous. I'd love to get feedback on my stuff. It helps me become a better writer.

The Photo Prompt blog is here and my penname is romanticvamp11. That's the awesome icon Nostalgicmiss made for me below and that identifies me on the site. I can't wait to start!

June 18, 2010

What You Want

May 27, 2010

A Mermaid and A City

I love being reunited with one of my best friends.

We find the strangest things to talk about and giggle madly like we're twelve years old.

And then there's the random things we find in each others' rooms that spark old memories.

"Reminder" stickers.

Deflated balloon animals.

Bumblebee shirts.

She's my constant. We are so similar, and yet completely opposite of each other. Maybe it's the opposition that makes us so similar. It makes us fit together.

No judging. 100% honesty. All secrets are out in the open between us.

Even if she annoys me or makes me mad, I still love her to death. We can sit together for hours in silence or roll around on the ground laughing hysterically. No one would understand our conversations. They would get lost in the interrupting subjects and stories.

At the end of the day, she's always been the one who stayed by my side and continues to stay there. Even when we're way too far apart.

The phone calls aren't the same as seeing her in person. And rest assured, I tackle-hug her every time we meet up after a long separation.

Like I said: I love being reunited with my best friend.

May 21, 2010

The Window

"She stood, in a room of crumbling plaster, pressed to the window-pane, looking up at the unattainable form of everything she loved. She did not know the nature of her loneliness. The only words that named it were: This is not the world I expected." -- Ayn Rand

May 19, 2010

Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost . . . Or Are They?

I feel lost.

I used to think I knew exactly what I wanted out of life. Where I wanted to go, what I wanted to do, where I wanted to be. Now, I don't seem to know anything.

I can't pinpoint when exactly this happened or why. All I know is that I'm questioning. Everything. Maybe I'm not where I'm supposed to be. Maybe I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing. It's confusing and frustrating. I don't think I've ever doubted myself like I am now.

I like to think I'm a fairly normal person. Shouldn't someone normal know what they're doing? What they're feeling?

Maybe I'm not so normal after all. I'm a mess. I don't know what I'm doing or what all this stuff is that I'm feeling. Pain. Hurt. Fear of the unknown. Hope.

What I do know is that, right now, I'm wandering. And I'm not wandering with a purpose. Sorry, Mr. Tolkien, but I just don't agree with you right now. I would have a purpose, even if I was just meandering along.

For now, I just want to get in my car and drive or curl up with a friend. I suppose the dog will have to do. At least she won't tell anyone my secrets.


Book Review: The Awakening

Another book down! This is going to be a good reading summer. Yay!

I've neglected this poor book. I waited for it to come out in paperback and then put it aside so I could read Burned. I started reading it again last night and stayed up until 3:00 AM to finish it. (For those wondering, yes, this happens frequently.) It was worth the lost sleep.

The first book in this series, The Summoning, was interesting. It's about a group of teens in a special house that all have strange powers. For example, Chloe, the narrator, is a necromancer. All the teenagers are learning to use/control their powers. This was the basis of the first book: finding out what was going on and so on and so forth. I don't want to get too into it in case anyone decides to read them.

This book was better than the first, I thought. Chloe and Derek's friendship grew more, which I loved. (I'm secretly rooting for Derek and Chloe but I don't know how plausible that is . . .) Also, a great thing about these books is how vivid the scenes are. They aren't described detail by detail, but the way they're told makes you see everything. I really appreciate that in a book. Chloe grew more, learning to stand up for herself and making tough decisions. And more secrets were solved, thank goodness.

These books are kind of mystery-ish, so I don't want to give too much away. There's no vampires so it's okay to read them. I promise. They're definitely a good read if you like the supernatural and mysteries.

Happy reading!


May 05, 2010

Topic Tuesday: Someone Has to Say It

Welcome to another installment of Topic Tuesday! You can go look at Megan's here and Claudia's here. (I will add the links when they're posted.)

I always know people don't say everything they want to, whether it's to me or about something else. How many times have I purposely omitted a thought in my head? The repercussions for anyone, no matter who you are, are endless. What if I offend someone? What if it makes me look stupid? What if I lose a friend over it?

But the truth is, we all need to say it. Wouldn't you rather be told you look bad than go out thinking you looked good because your friends didn't say what they really thought? Wouldn't you rather stand up for yourself and tell people how they make you feel? That you won't take it lying down?

I know I'm being hypocritical here. These words are aimed at me just as much as anybody else.

How many times have you had those words on the tip of your tongue? How many times have you been so close to just saying what you really felt? For all of us wimps out there, there's someone who has found the guts we seem to be missing that allow us to say what we want. And I have no doubt they are happier people. They harbor no secrets and let everything out in the open. They can be themselves. How I wish I was like that. Maybe as I get older . . . wishful thinking.

Then there's always the age-old question: what if you don't say it and something happens? What if you never get to say it? What if some amazing chance passes you up?

Ever since we decided on this topic, this line from Grey's Anatomy has been stuck in my head on repeat:

"Did you say it? 'I love you. I don't ever want to live without you. You changed my life.' Did you say it? Make a plan. Set a goal. Work toward it. But every now and then, look around. Drink it in. 'Cause this is it. It might all be gone tomorrow."

I want to be an honest person. I want to tell people how I feel about them. I want my loved ones to know exactly what they mean to me. I want the world to know that I don't intend to be sucked in by its ideals. I want people to know, without a doubt, what I stand for.

I have things left to say. I have thoughts I want to share. I have confessions I want to scream to the world. I have secrets I want to let go of. Someone has to say it. "I love you." "Yes, you look fat." "Thank you for everything you do." "I don't agree." "I want you in my life." "That color doesn't work for you." "I can't bear the thought of losing you." "That's a stupid idea." "I don't want to live my life without you."

Someone has to say it.

I hope I can be that someone.  :)


April 28, 2010

Book Review: Burned

So, this book just came out yesterday. I went and got it last night, started reading this morning, and finished earlier this evening. (Can I just say how much I love doing that?) Anyways, this book is the seventh in the House of Night series. Yes, it is a vampire series, but it's one of the best ones out there. Very modern, funny references to the present. I love it.

I've been eagerly waiting for this one. The last one, Tempted, ended with such a cliff hanger that I was dying to find out what happened. And this one did not disappoint. At all.

Usually, the books are told from Zoey Redbird's point of view. She's a 16-year-old (actually I think she's older than that now) vampyre High Priestess. Here's what you should know if you haven't read any of these books: vampyres are chosen and marked by a designated . . . marker I guess you'd call him. When chosen, a sapphire outline of a crescent moon appears on the forehead and marks the person as a vampyre fledgling. They then have to go to the nearest House of Night or risk dying from the changes that have started in their body. The House of Night is a school where vampyres go to learn they ways of the Vampyre Order and how to be a vampyre, etc. There's a lot more that goes into this but, you should just read the books. It's really worth it.

So, I guess I should warn that nothing much will make sense from here on out unless you've read the books, but feel free to keep reading or not.

Anyway, this book follows a lot of different people who've become extremely important to the story. Zoey's soul is shattered, Stark is desperately trying to save her but the only solution seems to be dying which would only crush Zoey further. Aphrodite has now received more powers from the goddess Nyx, even though she doesn't want them. Stevie Rae is still Imprinted with Rephaim, the most valued son of the enemy Kalona. Neferet is still manipulating everyone, including the fallen immortal Kalona, making it hard for Zoey's friends to make much progress in their quest to stop her. I could go on and on. Basically, problems are everywhere.

This installment didn't disappoint. You got to learn so much more about these characters you've fallen in love with. All the narration was still true to the story and characters the authors have created through the series. This one may have been my favorite. It focused a lot on the hope and love of the characters. I absolutely adored that. The last few have been all frenzy and action and fighting. Don't get me wrong, I love that, but I've been waiting for things to calm down a little bit. I know from the paragraph before, it sounds anything but calm. But a lot of little side problems were solved and it was just nice to see everyone come together to help Zoey.

Okay, I'm rambling now . . .

If you get anything from this, it's that if you pick up this series, you won't be disappointed at all. It's awesome. If you're already reading this series, this is the best book so far. Get it as soon as you can and start reading!

I'm not even going to hint at the ending.

Happy reading!


April 20, 2010

Topic Tuesday: 50 Random Facts About Me

Today's topic was chosen by the lovely Claudia. It's a bunch of random facts about me. Let's see if I can come up with 50 things you might not know about me.

1) I'm short. Really short. I don't even reach 5 feet.

2) I love dark, disturbing things. Tim Burton is one of my favorite movie-makers. (Note: this does not mean horror movies or haunted houses or anything like that.)

3) I don't like getting roses. If a guy gives me roses, I'll probably kick him out the door.

4) My favorite color is green. Pretty much any shade.

5) I like to write. A lot. Most of my hard drive is occupied by word documents of my stories.

6) I was obsessed with Nsync. I even knew ALL the dances they did to their songs. Still do.

7) I've played violin for 11 years. I was in orchestra all through elementary, middle, and high school.

8) I like to crochet. Don't care if people think it's for old ladies. You can do some cool stuff.

9) I made Alyssa fall in love with the song "What Hurts the Most" ;)

10) I'm super clumsy. I fall up the stairs almost every time I go up them.

11) I like to shove myself into small spaces, ie. the dryer, windows, cabinets, curled up in a little chair

12) I love blue Powerade. I used to drink it everyday my freshman year.

13) One of my nicknames is Nemo because, on a school music trip to Disney World my junior year of high school, all I wanted to do was ride the Nemo ride. I practically ran to it and then bounced the whole time we were in line while quoting the movie. My friends never let me live it down. (Plus, it is one of my favorite Pixar movies.)

14) I have a fascination with glow sticks.

15) I swing dance, with all the flips and everything.

16) I have a girl crush on Sandra Bullock and Meryl Streep.

17) My food can't touch on my plate. It all has to be separated. If it's not meant to be mixed together, I don't want it to be contaminated. If it touches, I don't eat it.

18) I'm allergic to sunblock. No, that is not a joke.

19) I'm addicted to my iPod. I feel absolutely lost without it. I'd rather have my iPod than my phone.

20) I still have my baby blanket. It's holey and falling apart, but I can't sleep without it.

21) The amount of books I read is insane. I tried to count all the books I read last year and had to stop around 110. (And last year I felt like I didn't get to read that much.)

22) I collect postcards. They can be sent to me or I buy them when I'm on vacation

23) I organize my cash in my wallet. It all has to be facing the same way, in numerical order.

24) I can watch a movie once and quote all the lines. My dad and brother can do this too.

25) I'm quiet and shy. I like to stay in the corner, unnoticed.

26) Pertaining to #25: I can be loud and crazy, but only if I feel comfortable around you.

27) I'm extremely sarcastic. And most of the time, people don't recognize it as sarcasm. Go figure.

28) Most people underestimate my strength just because I'm little. Needless to say, they're really surprised when I can fight back or lift heavy things.

29) I love college football and baseball, but don't ask me to watch any other sports.

30) I can unwrap Starburst in my mouth and the wrapper is still in one piece.

31) I'm a water snob. I can't drink tap water and I only drink certain brands of bottled water.

32) I take the cheese off my pizza when I eat it.

33) I love frozen grapes. My roommates think it's weird.

34) My favorite board game is LIFE even though every time I play I end up with too many children to fit in the car.

35) I have a scar right down the middle of the roof of my mouth that I can feel with my tongue from oral surgery.

37) I love Mythbusters!! I can watch marathons of it without losing interest. Yeah, I'm a geek.

38) My favorite cereal is Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Fruit Loops and Cap'n Crunch are a close second.

39) I blast my music in the car when I'm alone or with certain people who I know can handle it.

40) I love Target.  <3

41) I really wish I could play piano and acoustic guitar.

42) I blush really easily.

43) I love to cook and bake, even though I don't do it a lot.

44) I'm a grammar and spelling Nazi. I want to be an editor.

45) I hate wearing shoes. I prefer being barefoot or flip flops.

46) I can pop my left pinky in and out of its socket. It grosses Alyssa out which makes it more fun to do.

47) I have a deadly fear of needles. Just thinking about them makes me nauseous.

48) I'm a speeder. Big time. The bad thing is sometimes I don't even realize how fast I'm actually driving.

49) I love musicals and I'm not afraid to admit it.

50) I have the funniest sneezes that everyone makes fun of. They say it sounds like a mouse.

That was extremely hard to get to 50. But I got there! Leave me a comment :)

You can read Megan's here and Claudia's here. Enjoy!


April 18, 2010

Change In the Air

The semester is almost over.

Thank freaking heavens!

I'm not going to lie. This semester has been one of the roughest periods of my life. We got screwed over with our living and social arrangements. How so, you ask?

Well, Alyssa and I chose Liberty Square to move to last year because we had heard it was very social and that we would love it. They neglected to mention that the apartment we moved into is separate from the rest of Liberty Square and in a ward separate from the rest of the tenants. Seriously?? Our ward is made up of all these random houses that span across south campus. The average age in our ward is probably 22 or 23.

And for those of you saying to get out and go meet people - look at who you're saying that to.

I am not an outgoing person. If you put me in a social situation, I'll do my best, but otherwise I'm not the best at seeking out such situations. Needless to say, it was a lonely year for me.

If you know Provo, you know that it's practically the dating capital of the world. Not even kidding. In fact, one of my roommates will be married in less than a week. (Scary thought.) I was the only roommate who didn't date or have a significant other. It's never bothered me before. On some level it still doesn't bother me. But around so many couples, it's hard to remember it's okay to be single. I can't wait to be back in California where I won't feel like such the odd woman out.

I don't know how many times this semester I've called my mom, crying and begging her to let me come home. Now that I've reached the end, I have to say I'm grateful she made me stick it out. I have two years of college under my belt and all that's left is to take my English classes. Graduation may be in sight.

So, yes, this semester has been hard. I've struggled with myself, with other people, with beliefs that have been tested. I think there may have been more drama in my life during this semester than the rest of my life. I haven't handled all of it perfectly. There have been successes and failures. But it's all part of life. I can only learn as I go and use the experiences I've had this semester to do better.

But change is in the air.

I can feel it. Deep down. I'm excited for what is coming, and I haven't felt that in a long time. I get to go home. I get to be around my family and my best friends. I honestly can't wait. I can taste the joy and freedom that is coming my way. Life is going on and I couldn't ask for anything better.

I don't know what exactly lies ahead for me. But what I do know is that it is going to be a good change. I'm determined it will be.


I can't wait to embrace it.


April 08, 2010

Book Review: Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side

I bought this book on Tuesday. I still have gift cards to Barnes & Noble and I needed something new. I went with the intent of getting some light, non-mythical book. Of course, I can't seem to stay away from vampires, even when I try to. I kept looking and looking, but nothing sounded good.  Then, I pulled this one out and it caught my attention. But I wanted real life, not vampires. Right when I'm about to put it back, an employee walks by and asks if I need any help. I politely declined, but she stopped, seeing the book in my hand, and asked if I had read it. I told her no.

"You'll love it. Did you like Twilight?" I nodded. "Then you will definitely like this one. The narrator is so funny. My sister's read it at least 10 times."

Well, that sealed the deal and I gave in. I read the whole thing yesterday. No, it's not a super short book. I think it's around 350 pages. But, for those who don't know, this isn't unusual. It's not uncommon for me to sit down and finish a book in a matter of hours. I'm a fast reader. Anyways, I hid out in my bedroom and was easily lost to the story.

The story is about Jessica (big surprise there) and the events of her senior year. She's got her best friend, her crush, and her plans for college. Then, this Romanian stranger shows up who claims he's a vampire and so is she. Not only is she a vampire, but she's a Romanian vampire princess. When she turns 18, they must get married to fulfill a pact made by their parents when they were born that would bring peace to their warring clans. Of course, Jessica doesn't want any part of it.

I was actually very pleased with it. Jessica is not "so funny" as the salesperson claimed. I actually found I could really relate to her and understood what she was going through, if you will. Lucius, the Romanian vampire prince, was quite intriguing. Not a lot of brooding, "I hate what I am," poor woe is me nonsense. He was perfectly happy being a vampire. In fact, he was quite arrogant and self assured for most of the time. I loved it. As much as he infuriated me, I loved him. And when he does brood, it's not for the typical reasons. It takes turns I didn't expect and doesn't stick to a lot of cliche vampire plots. I giggled and, yes, I cried too. If you're looking for something not too heavy, it's a great read.


March 22, 2010

Picture Post: Spontaneous Saturday

So, Saturday was a lovely day. Megan had a few errands to run and asked if I would like to accompany her. I said yes, especially since I had to go get "New Moon" on DVD. We ended up having a blast walking around the mall and eating In'n'Out and watching "New Moon" and "Mamma Mia" and just being girly. So here are a few pictures that came out of the day.

Leaving the mall!

Too funny to not take a picture of!

Megan and In'n'Out. Thank you for building one here!!

Look how cute she is waiting for her food.


This is a little bit of Heaven!

It looks like I'm trying to shove the whole thing in my mouth . . . I'm not. Just taking a bite.

Megan caught a pic of me running and dancing in the parking lot.

Helping Megan find some new jeans!

Driving. It was such a beautiful day!


Girls' day!

Megan enjoying her cupcake: raspberry chocolate cheesecake!

Watching "New Moon"

So, just a tad bit of craziness. Next up should be pics from my trip to Cali :) Love ya all!


March 19, 2010

Book Review: Water for Elephants

I just finished this book. Literally. Three minutes ago. I had to come share my thoughts. This book was superb. I haven't been reading much, but what a way to get back into it.

The story is about Jacob Jankowski, a ninety or ninety-three year old man. He is living in a rest home, reflecting on his days with the circus to get through what his life has now become.

So, the story is obviously focused on his time with the circus. At first, I was hesitant. It was recommended to me by a friend and after listening to her rant and rave about it, I gave in. I read the first few chapters one night, but couldn't focus enough, so I gave up. But I took it with me on my trip to California. I think I read a few more chapters on the plane out there simply to take up time. They were good, but I still wasn't seeing what was so great about it.

It wasn't until I was sitting in the airport to go back to Utah that I really got into it. I started reading to take my mind off the sadness of going back and I was hooked. I didn't even bother putting it back in my backpack when I got on the plane. I was devouring it and I couldn't put it down. It's been that way all week. I read every free second I had because I just had to know what happened.

This story is gritty and real. It doesn't focus so much on the circus as it does on Jacob's experiences. I laughed, I gasped, I cried. If you haven't read it, you need to. The author researched everything so you can be guaranteed that you're getting the most authentic experience you can. I was captured by Jacob and the way he saw his world and learned to work for himself. It doesn't shy away from uncomfortable topics. You've got to read this. It is wonderful.

And I hear they're making a movie out of it with Reese Witherspoon!

Now I have to find something else to read . . . .
