November 24, 2010


I'm going to be honest here: this is pretty much a rant. A much needed one at that.

Dear authors, you do not blindside your readers at the end of the novel. Ever.

If you are going to end the book in a less than favorable way, (and yes, I do actually like those endings) then you need to somehow warn the reader that it's coming.

Here's what you do not do: you do not answer every question, give a perfect solution to everything, package it all in a very happily-ever-after gift bow, and then TAKE IT ALL AWAY ON THE LAST PAGE!! The last page which is really only two paragraphs!

And there is no sequel.

Trust me, I checked.

Moral of the story? Do not promise sunshine and confetti and happy endings and then yank it out from under the poor, unsuspecting reader that used to be in love with the story. Because then your book is in danger of being ripped apart. Or thrown in the fish bowl.

The end.