January 26, 2011

Day 08 - Short Term Goals for This Month

Well, since January is almost over, I guess I'll talk about short term goals for February.

Is that okay with everyone?

Good. Moving on.

I have to say my only goal is to survive. I still don't feel like I have much going for me here. So all I want to do is get through the day.

It's lonely. I have friends, but I feel so removed from their lives. I'm sure it's just me, but I don't know how to fix it. So I'm doing the best I can.

Some nights, I fall asleep without crying. It's an improvement over crying myself to sleep every single night. I'd call that progress, I think.

So, if I can really survive the day-to-day, I'll say my short-term goal is accomplished. Maybe I'll even find myself doing more than simply surviving.

Maybe I'll surprise myself.

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