January 29, 2011

Day 09 - Something You're Proud Of

NOTE: I owe you guys three posts due to a lack of internet. The next two will follow shortly hereafter.

I'm proud of my writing. I'm proud that I can write; that I can create stories. Even if I don't let people read them, I still get entertainment from them. I have friends in my characters, as crazy as that sounds.

I'm also proud that I can use writing as a way to cope and sometimes as a way to escape. The thing is, writing is a way I can release the negative. Once I've written it all down and my feelings are off my chest, I can move on. It's all gone. I can focus on being happy and enjoying myself.

I know I've said this before, but I've promised myself to be completely honest on the pages of my blog. So yes, there will be bad and there will be good. Possibly more bad than good. It's my way of dealing with everything. I will continue to find strength and pride in my writing.

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